Color Grading.

Ultra Deep Color (AAA)

Deep Color (AA)

Medium Dark Color (A)

Medium Light Color (B)

Light Color (C)

Pale Color (D)

Pale Lilac Purple (F)



Internally Flawless (IF): Flawless material under a 10X loupe magnification.

Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS): Minor inclusions that are somewhat easy to see using 10X, but still not visible to the naked eye.

Very Slightly Included (VS): Noticeable inclusions that are easier to see using 10X, and may be slightly visible to the naked eye.

Slightly Included 1 (SI1): The inclusions are easily seen using 10X and are large or numerous, and are noticeable with the naked eye.

Slightly Included 2 (SI2): The inclusions are easily seen using 10X and are large or numerous, and are very noticeable with the naked eye.

Included 1 (I1): The inclusions are very obvious and they have a moderate negative effect on the over-all appearance or durability of the gemstone.

Included 2 (I2): The inclusions are very obvious and they have a severe negative effect on the over-all appearance or durability of the gemstone.

Included 3 (I3): The inclusions are very obvious and they have a sever negative effect on both the over-all appearance and durability of the gemstone.